Ale van der Drupe
Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Bentleybrau Brewery's Ale van der Drupe
A Belgian pale ale with El Dorado and Calypso hops, primaried on cherries & ginger. Stovetop partial mash.
Based on this:
Partial Mash BIAB
Brewed: 2014-12-07
Target OG: 1.052
Strike hit: Way off (85C instead of 67C)
OG: 1.076 (wat!?)
FG: 1.012
ABV: 8.4% (likely error in OG measurement, expect 5%)
BrewTarget Recipe:
Ale Van der Drupe - Belgian Pale Ale ================================================================================ Batch Size: 24,390 L Boil Size: 11,390 L Boil Time: 60,000 min Efficiency: 70% OG: 1,054 FG: 1,010 ABV: 5,7% Bitterness: 30,3 IBUs (Tinseth) Color: 9 SRM (Morey) Fermentables ================================================================================ Name Type Amount Mashed Late Yield Color Pale Malt (2 Row) Bel Grain 2,500 kg Yes No 80% 3 L Munich Malt Grain 250,000 g Yes No 80% 9 L Biscuit Malt Grain 250,000 g Yes No 79% 23 L Muntons DME - Light Dry Extract 0,000 mg No Yes 95% 4 L Dry Extract (DME) - Amber Dry Extract 2,000 kg No Yes 95% 13 L Total grain: 5,000 kg Hops ================================================================================ Name Alpha Amount Use Time Form IBU Calypso 13,0% 10,000 g Boil 20,000 min Pellet 7,0 El Dorado 15,0% 15,000 g Boil 5,000 min Pellet 4,0 Saaz (Czech Republic) 4,5% 20,000 g Boil 60,000 min Pellet 7,9 El Dorado 15,0% 10,000 g Boil 20,000 min Pellet 8,0 Calypso 13,0% 15,000 g Boil 5,000 min Pellet 3,4 Misc ================================================================================ Name Type Use Amount Time Cherry Flavor Primary 2,000 kg 0,000 s Whirlfloc Fining Boil 10,000 mL 0,000 s Yeast Nutrient Other Boil 10,000 mL 0,000 s Yeast ================================================================================ Name Type Form Amount Stage WLP550 - Belgian Ale Yeast Ale Liquid 35,000 mL Primary Mash ================================================================================ Name Type Amount Temp Target Time BIAB Infusion 8,885 L 94,460 C 67,000 C 60,000 min
Brewday Notes:
Crushed grain extremely finely with Corona mill. Very floury.
Brought 8.850L to 92C.
Lots of dough balls at mash in. Still at 85C after 10 minutes of stirring. Added another 1.5L cold water to a total of 10.350L, which was at 70.9C. Mashed with lid off to allow it to drop more. “Batch Sparge” was selected in BrewTarget, and should not have been.
Added another 200g crushed belgian pale ale malt @67C to make sure there are at least some living enzymes. Let it drop to 66C. Kept it in the 65.5-66.5C range for an hour.
Slowly brought to 72C for mash out.
Squeezed the living hell out of the bag with a glass bowl. Didn't measure runoff, but it seemed about right. Topped off with 3L.
Saaz and El Dorado are pellet hops, Calypso is whole-leaf.
All hopping done in muslin bags.
OG: 1.073 @34C == 1.076. Very high!? Can't be right, that's like 150% efficiency. Possible bad hydrometer.
Taste during gravity reading is surprisingly bitter.
Pitched an extra ~2L of yeast starter @ 28C, for a total of about 26.5L in the bucket.
Added 1 large ginger root, sliced, and 1kg boiled frozen cherries.
Bubbling began after ~4 hours.
Beer in the blow-off cup and frequent, heavy gurgling @24 hours. (temp 22-23C in ambient 18C)
@48 hours: Bubbling reduced to once every 5 minutes. Temp at 21C. Added 1.3kg boiled cherries.
@72 hours: No audible bubbling, temp at 21C.
By day 5 stabilized to 18C.
Checked gravity at 15 days: 1.012 @ 20C.
Bottled 2014-12-28 (22 days) w/ 128g table sugar cubes. FG: 1.012 @ 19C.
Tasting Notes: