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Style: Spiced Roggenbier

Bentleybrau Brewery's Groggenbier

Roggenbier with grog spices: dark rum, cinnamon, and lemon rind.

Brewster Beacon

Brewed: 2021-01-05
Target OG: 1.062
Strike hit: 45C
OG: 1.054
FG: 1.020
ABV: 4.46%

Yeasties Recipe:


==================================== STYLE ====================================
Style:                    Roggenbier
ABV:                      6.25% ABV / 4.93% ABW / 206.03 kCal
Bitterness:               31.6 IBUs / 0.51 IBU:GU
RBR:                      0.50
Color:                    61 EBC / 31 SRM
Carbonation:              2.1 vols CO2

================================= INGREDIENTS =================================
                          1.50 kg Weyermann Pale Ale                   (16.7%)
                          5.00 kg Weyermann Rye Malt                   (55.6%)
                          1.50 kg Weyermann Pale Wheat Malt            (16.7%)
                          0.50 kg Chocolate (UK)                       ( 5.6%)
                          0.50 kg Brown Malt                           ( 5.6%)
                          1.00 kg Rice Hull                            ( 0.0%)
                          0.20 kg Dark Rum                             ( 0.0%)
                          0.10 kg Cinnamon Sticks                      ( 0.0%)
                          0.20 kg Lemon Rind                           ( 0.0%)
                          10.00  g Eureka                             (@  60m)
                          15.00  g Eureka                             (@  30m)
                          30.00  g Eureka                             (@   0m)
                          500.00 ml Safale S-05

==================================== MASH =====================================
Tun fullness:             35.38 / 35.00 L (101.1%)
Mash in volume:           28.162 L
Diastatic Power:          96.0 °L / 320.0 °WK
First Runnings:
    Volume:               16.162 L
    Gravity:              P° 27.843 / SG 1.119
pH:                       5.63
Sparge volume:            16.838 L
Mash out volume:          33.000 L

Mash Steps:
                          25.000 L @ 46.70 °C -> 43.00 °C
                          0.000 L @ inf   °C -> 69.00 °C
Sparge                    16.838 L @ 75.00 °C

==================================== BOIL =====================================
Kettle fullness:          33.00 / 40.00 L (82.5%)
Volume:                   33.000 L
Gravity:                  P° 14.400 / SG 1.059

================================ FERMENTATION =================================
Volume:                   28.773 L
Original Gravity:         P° 15.276 / SG 1.062
Final Gravity:            P° 3.816 / SG 1.015
Apparent attenuation:     75.0%
Real attenuation:         61.5%

=================================== BOTTLE ====================================
Volume:                   26.546 L
33cl Bottles:             79
Carb sugar:               134.96 g (Sucrose)

Brewday Notes:

Brewed 2021-01-05

Grind start time      : day before
Grain weight          : 9 kg (16L)

Liquor volume         : 25l
Pre-heat start time   : long in advance
Mash start time       : 13.20
Strike temp           : 46.8C
Mash temp @ 10        : 45.4C
Mash temp @ 20        : 44.9C

Mash increase wattage : 100W
Mash heat time        : 13.41
Mash heated time      : 14.00
Mash temp @ 10        : 68.5C
Mash temp @ 20        : 69.2C
Extra head space      : 5L
Mash tun fullness     : 30L (immediately after mash-in)
Mash wattage          : 500W
Mash pH @ 20 min      : 5.46
Mash gravity @ 20 min : 6.5 P
Mash length           : 20 (rest) + 20 (heat) + 60 (mash) min
Mash out start time   : 15.00
Mash out wattage      : 1000W

Sparge heat start time: 14.35
Sparge heat end time  : 14.58

Mash drain start time : 15.12
Mash end volume       : 11.5L (immediately after basket lift)
First runnings volume : 13.2L (still trickling slowly)
First runnings gravity: 11.0 deg
First runnings pH     : 5.54

Sparge start time     : 15.20
Sparge target temp    : 85C
Sparge wattage        : 1000W
Sparge volume         : 19L
Sparge water temp     : 73C
Sparge end time       : 16.15

Boil start time       : 16.52
Boil volume           : 33L
Boil pH               : 5.90
Boil gravity          : 11.5 deg
Boil wattage          : 2000W, then 100W + heat stick
Post-boil volume      : 31.5 - 32L
Post-boil pH          : 5.56
Post-boil gravity:
  - Refractometer     : 13.0 deg
  - Hydrometer        : 1.054

Chiller start time    : 17.54

Pitch time            : 19.15
Pitch temperature     : 23 C
Fermenter volume      : 30L

Cleaning finish time  : 20.30

All ingredients several years old. Closet-emptying brew.

Beta-glucan rest for 20 minutes at 42C to reduce rye stickiness.
Used tons of rice hulls.
Started with a layer of rice hulls, then grain, then a layer of hulls, then rest of grain.
Rinsed grain dust from bucket with ~1L water, added to mash, Used 1L less sparge water.
Start of mash drained well. Very slow grain drainage at end of mash. Not stuck, but slow as hell.

Sparge completely stuck at 15L. Turned into oatmeal jelly. Liquid does not run through.
Moved half of grain into mesh bag in a bucket. Sparged kettle grains with water and stirred vigorously, sparged bag grains with water and spun/squeezed bag, until volume was exactly 33L. Took forever.

Kettle blew fuse several times at 2000W and 1700W. It held for a while at 1600W, but I dropped it to 100W and used the heat stick instead, which gave a stronger boil anyway.

0.5 tsp protofloc + 1.5 tsp yeast nutrient @ 10 mins
One stick “äkta kanel” tossed in hop basket at flameout.

Pump jammed during cooling. Had to reverse flow with cold water to get it going again. Probably ~1L added, very briefly and not so well sterilized hoses.
Pump jammed again during racking to fermenter. Had to start and stop it 100 times, but eventually it got going. Pulled the false bottom out with the metal spoon.

Pitched while still 23C, so put the fermenter outside on the balcony to cool more. ~5C on the balcony.

3 days before bottling: soak cinnamon stick and two lemon's worth of rind in 250ml dark rum for a night, then pitch all of it in primary.

Brewday Analysis:

Why is the volume of crushed grain (16L) lower than the last beer despite a lot more grain by weight?
Accidentally left heat running during beta-glucan rest mash-in. Temp a bit too high.
Grains expanded in mash, to ~2.5 cm below overflow valve. Can't hold too much more grain than this.
pH in good range, but perhaps it would be wise to acidify the sparge water a bit.
Very low OG. More volume than planned, which accounts for some of it.

Calculated Recipe Adjustments:

Real grain absorption: 1.5
Real efficiency: 61% (rye sucks)

Fermentation Notes:

Slow start compared to the other S-05 packets. First bubble 20 hours after pitching.

Chopped rinds of two juiced lemons into chunks, boiled for 20 minutes. Put in sanitized bottle with 250ml rum and one cinnamon stick. Soaked for 1.5 weeks.
2021-01-23: Pitched lemon-rum goop into fermenter.
2021-01:23: FG 1.020 (too high). Tastes good, very thick body.

Bottling Notes:

2021-01-30: put on balcony to cold crash (-3C)
2021-01-31: bottled. fermenter was 1C on surface, beer at 6C when done bottling
FG: still 1.020
6L of unrecoverable trub, exactly 25L in bottling bucket.
135g table sugar.
Filled 5 kegs and half of a 750ml bottle (should have used 500ml)
Tastes fantastic


Tasting Notes: